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sonr Rannveigar
‘Rannveig’s son’ = Halldórr
Rannveig’s son → Halldórr
Halldórr Rannveigarson
1. son of Rannveig
‘saddle-beasts’ = HORSES
saddle-beasts; → HORSES
2.1. animal of horse gear (A2)
lind landrifs
‘the linden-tree of the land-rib’ = WOMAN = Steinvǫr
the land-rib, → STONE
the linden-tree of the STONE → WOMAN = Steinvǫr
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
‘of the land-rib’ = STONE
the land-rib, → STONE
rock, stone
1.1.1. bone of the earth
galli grjótǫlnis
‘the affliction of the stone-mackerel’ = WINTER
the stone-mackerel. → SNAKE
the affliction of the SNAKE → WINTER
1.1. harm of the snake
‘of the stone-mackerel’ = SNAKE
the stone-mackerel. → SNAKE
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)
þann viðr valklifs
‘that tree of the falcon-cliff’ = WOMAN
the falcon-cliff → ARM
that tree of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
11.2. tree, wood of arm/hand (B2c)
‘of the falcon-cliff’ = ARM
the falcon-cliff → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
bjǫrk bands
‘the birch of the headband’ = WOMAN
the birch of the headband → WOMAN
female, woman
4.2. tree, wood of the headdress (B2c)
várrar ey varrbliks
‘our [my] island of the wake-glitter’ = WOMAN
the wake-glitter → GOLD
our [my] island of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.3. land, landscape of riches, wealth (B2c)
‘of the wake-glitter’ = GOLD
the wake-glitter → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
boði geirþorps
‘against the messenger of the spear-settlement’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the spear-settlement, → SHIELD
against the messenger of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Óláfr
1.7.05. envoy of the weapon
‘of the spear-settlement’ = SHIELD
the spear-settlement, → SHIELD
5.3.2. abode of the spear
hlynr sævar
‘the maple of the sea’ = SHIP
the maple of the sea, → SHIP
ship, boat
3.1. tree of the sea
Gunnr hvítinga
‘Gunnr of drinking-horns’ = WOMAN
Gunnr of drinking-horns. → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
gnýr Gunnar
‘the clamour of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
the clamour of Gunnr. → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
gnýr Gunnar
‘the clamour of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
the clamour of Gunnr. → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
góðlôt Gefn slóðar vala
‘the courteous Gefn of the track of falcons’ = WOMAN
the track of falcons, → ARM
The courteous Gefn of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
slóð vala
‘of the track of falcons’ = ARM
the track of falcons, → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.3. path of the bird of prey (A3)
in dýra eik jarladóms
‘the precious oak of the jarldom’ = WOMAN
the precious oak of the jarldom → WOMAN
female, woman
15. unique
tré bekkjar
‘the tree of the bench’ = WOMAN
the tree of the bench, → WOMAN
female, woman
8.2. tree, wood of household goods, furniture (B2c)
grátr Mardallar
‘with the weeping of Mardǫll’ = GOLD
with the weeping of Mardǫll; → GOLD
8.2. tears of Freyja (A3)
lind línu
‘the linden-tree of the headdress’ = WOMAN
the linden-tree of the headdress → WOMAN
female, woman
4.2. tree, wood of the headdress (B2c)