This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
askr rimmu
‘the ash-tree of battle’ = WARRIOR
The ash-tree of battle, → WARRIOR
2.1. tree of battle
stála regn
‘rain-bold of steel weapons’ = BATTLE
in the rain of steel weapons, → BATTLE
1.2.1. shower of weapons
gnýr Gunnar
‘in the din of Gunnr’ = BATTLE
in the din of Gunnr → BATTLE
2.3. din of the valkyrie
bál Hôars
‘the fire of Hárr’ = SWORD
the fire of Hárr → SWORD
1.1.05. fire of Óðinn
‘the bow-destroyer’ = WARRIOR
The bow-destroyer → WARRIOR
. man of the weapon
Draupnis dǫgg-Freyr
‘Draupnir’s dew-Freyr’ = MAN
the dew of Draupnir his → GOLD
the Freyr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Draupnis dǫgg
‘of the dew of Draupnir’ = GOLD
the dew of Draupnir his → GOLD
8.3.1. dew of Draupnir (A3)
annan árr strauma
‘upon another messenger of currents’ = SEAFARER
upon another messenger of currents; → SEAFARER
2.3. messenger of the sea
helgu full hrafnásar
‘the holy cup of the raven-god’ = POETRY
the raven-god; → Óðinn
the holy cup of ÓÐINN → POETRY
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
‘of the raven-god’ = Óðinn
the raven-god; → Óðinn
2.7. god of the raven (C3b)
Baldr leiptra jarðar stafna
‘the Baldr of the lightnings of the land of prows’ = MAN
the land of prows, → SEA
the lightnings of the SEA → GOLD
the Baldr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
leiptr jarðar stafna
‘of the lightnings of the land of prows’ = GOLD
the land of prows, → SEA
the lightnings of the SEA → GOLD
1.2. gleam, shine of waters (A1)
jǫrð stafna
‘of the land of prows’ = SEA
the land of prows, → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
ramar veig salar Fals brautar fannar
‘for the powerful drinks of the hall of the Falr of the path of the snow-drift’ = POETRY
the path of the snow-drift, → MOUNTAINS
the Falr of MOUNTAINS → GIANT = Suttungr
the hall of the GIANTSUTTUNGR → CAVE
for the powerful drinks of the CAVE → POETRY
1.3.1. drink of the giants
salr Fals brautar fannar
‘of the hall of the Falr of the path of the snow-drift’ = CAVE
the path of the snow-drift, → MOUNTAINS
the Falr of MOUNTAINS → GIANT = Suttungr
the hall of the GIANTSUTTUNGR → CAVE
1.2. dwelling of the giant
Falr brautar fannar
‘of the Falr of the path of the snow-drift’ = GIANT = Suttungr
the path of the snow-drift, → MOUNTAINS
the Falr of MOUNTAINS → GIANT = Suttungr
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
braut fannar
‘of the path of the snow-drift’ = MOUNTAINS
the path of the snow-drift, → MOUNTAINS
2.3. path of the snow-drift
framr valdr hrannvala
‘outstanding owner of wave-horses’ = SEAFARER
wave-horses. → SHIPS
outstanding owner of SHIPS → SEAFARER
1.1.06. user of the ship
‘of wave-horses’ = SHIPS
wave-horses. → SHIPS
ship, boat horse of the sea