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læskjarr konungr Lista
‘deceit-shy king of Lista’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr munnr Haraldsson
Deceit-shy king of Lista, → NORWEGIAN KING = Sigurðr munnr Haraldsson
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.2. ruler of Norway
sú hríð hjalms
‘that storm of the helmet’ = BATTLE
that storm of the helmet → BATTLE
battle shower of helmets
ofkúgi jǫfra
‘the oppressor of princes’ = Sigurðr slembidjákn
the oppressor of princes → Sigurðr slembidjákn
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
2.5. destroyer of princes
flestan hestr flagðs
‘many a horse of the troll-woman’ = WOLF
many a horse of the troll-woman. → WOLF
1.1. horse of the giantess, troll-woman (A3)
veðr tognings
‘the storm of the sword’ = BATTLE
the storm of the sword; → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
bróðir Inga
‘Ingi’s brother’ = Sigurðr munnr
Ingi’s brother → Sigurðr munnr
Sigurðr II munnr Haraldsson (r. 1136-55)
1. brother of Ingi Haraldsson
grund sólar
‘the ground of the sun’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the ground of the sun. → SKY/HEAVEN
6.1.1. land of the sun