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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Svart Skauf 12VIII/6 — hieðan ‘from now on’

‘Sá er nú tími,’         segir rebbhali,
‘sem seggir munu         að sauðum ganga.
Víst er alstaðar         vón upp hieðan,
mun á fjöllum         mannferð mikil.’

‘Nú er sá tími,’ segir rebbhali, ‘sem seggir munu ganga að sauðum. Víst er alstaðar vón hieðan upp, mikil mannferð mun á fjöllum.’

‘Now is the time,’ says Foxtail, ‘when men will search for the sheep. There’s certainly the expectation everywhere from now on [that] a great commotion of men will [be] in the mountains.’


[6] upp hieðan ‘from now on’: For upp lit. ‘up’ (so Rask87ˣ), see st. 10/5. CPB renders this as um hunda ‘about dogs’, which has no support in the mss.



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