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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Þloft Glækv 2I/7 — brjótr ‘the breaker’

Nú hefr sér
til sess hagat
í Þrándheimi.
Þar vill æ
ævi sína
bauga brjótr
byggðum ráða.

Nú hefr þjóðkonungr hagat sér til sess í Þrándheimi. Þar vill brjótr bauga ráða byggðum æ ævi sína.

Now the great king [= Sveinn] has arranged himself on the throne in Trøndelag. There the breaker of rings [GENEROUS MAN] will rule the settlements always throughout his life.


[7] brjótr: njótr Bb



case: nom.


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