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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Líkn 49VII/5 — gæði ‘blessings’

Vilda ek af þér, aldar
angrstríðandi, síðarr
enn fyr óðgerð mína
eiga gjöld með leigum.
Áðr hefi ek önnur gæði,
eirsamr, hlotit meiri
þín, en ek þér fá launat
— þat óttumz ek — dróttinn.

Angrstríðandi aldar, ek vilda enn síðarr eiga gjöld með leigum af þér fyr óðgerð mína. Áðr hefi ek hlotit önnur meiri gæði þín, en ek þér fá launat, eirsamr dróttinn; þat óttumz ek.

Grief-fighter of mankind, I would like still later to gain recompense with interest from you for my poetry-making. Previously I have received other and greater blessings from you, than I can repay you, merciful Lord; that frightens me.


[5] gæði ‘good things, blessings’: Related to adj. góðr ‘good’; in the sense of religious blessing, even salvation, also in Leið 40/7. NN §2584, Anm. changes Skj B’s translation goder ‘goods’ to väljärningar ‘kind deeds’.



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