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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


blóð sb. n. [-s]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) blod, udgydt blod blood, shed blood

 ● ganga blóði have blodig afføring, ?lide af dysenteri (cf. ²Salmonsen, blodgang), ?have blod i urinen have blood in one’s excrement, ?suffer from dysentery, ?have blood in one’s urine

 ● láta blóð [sér] [ór e-u] lade sig årelade, blive tappet for blod bleed oneself, be bled

 ● blóð er látit [e-m] (ngn) årelades (sby) is bled

 ● blóð er látandi [e-m/e-u] åreladning (af ngn/dyr) må finde sted (sby/an animal) may be bled

 ● nema/taka/draga/slá blóð [e-m] [af e-u / á e-u] årelade (ngn), tappe for blod bleed (sby)

 ● nema/slá blóð [sér] [í e-u] lade (sig) årelade, blive tappet for blod bleed (oneself), be bled

 ● plága til blóðs(ins) torturere til blods torture till the blood flows

 ● blóð rennr [e-m] (ngn) mister blod (sby) loses blood

 ● spýja blóði spytte blod, brække blod op spit/vomit blood

 ● vekja blóð/blóði [sér/e-m / á e-u] lade blod flyde, fremkalde blødning make blood flow, open a vein

2) (om blod som sæde for sjælelige egenskaber of blood as the seat of mental properties)

3) (om blod som varsel om ulykke, død, etc. of blood as a portent of disaster, death, etc.)

4) (om blod i rituel sammenhæng of blood in a ritual context)

 ● blanda blóði (saman) blande blod (ɔ: indgå fostbroderskab) mingle blood (ɔ: enter into blood-brotherhood)

5) (om Jesu blod of the blood of Christ)

 ● helga blóð Jesu hellige blod (om Skriðuklaustr “helliget den almægtige Gud, Jomfru Maria og det hellige Blod”, cf. Jón Helgason 1925, 242) the Holy Blood of Christ (of Skriðuklaustr “dedicated to Almighty God, the Virgin Mary, and the Holy Blood”)

 ● hold ok blóð dróttins/... (Jesu kød og blod ɔ:) nadveren (body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ ɔ:) the Eucharist

6) (om relikvie) Jesu blod(dråbe) (of a relic) (a drop of) the blood of Christ

7) (om befrugtende legemsvæske hos både mand (ɔ: sæd) og kvinde of a fecundatory bodily fluid in both males (ɔ: semen) and females)

8) liv, alt levende life, all living beings

9) (blod ɔ:) slægt (blood ɔ:) kin

 ● blóð ok bein/... barn, afkom, nær slægtning child, descendant, near relative

II. (cogn.)

Form.: bloð (47); blod (35); blóð (24); blodi (19); blóði (8); bloþe (6); blóþ (5); blode (5); blods (4); bloði (3); blóðit (3); blodsins (3); bloþ (2); blóðs (2); bloz (2); blöd (2); bloðe (2); blodí (2); blóþs (1); blodsíns (1); blőd (1); Blóð (1); blódsins (1); blodit (1); bloþi (1); Bloð (1); blodinu (1); blóðinu (1); blódi (1); Blod (1); bloðsins (1); blóþe (1); bloðs (1);

Comp.: bana- (19), báru- (1), bróður- (2), bruna- (1), bukka- (7), dúfu- (3), fórnar- (3), fórn·fǿringar- (1), gamms- (1), goða- (1), hafra- (1), heiftar- (10), hera- (2), hjarta- (14), hol- (1), kalfs- (1), karl·manns- (2), kiðja- (1), kiðlings- (1), koppa- (4), lambs- (4), lífs- (3), losta- (1), mánaða- (2), manna- (10), manns- (15), nasa- (2), náttúru- (1), nauts- (3), of- (1), ó·líkans- (1), rauða- (2), refs- (2), sátt·máls- (1), síðu- (1), spá·manna- (1), svarta- (3), svíns- (1), vín·bers- (1), ǽða- (7), ǫfundar- (4)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV err. bloð; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin Blóð-; Rím; LP; Med blod; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 314-316; Helga Kress 1999 4-20; Hill 1995 [SS 67] 146-147; Kjartan G. Ottósson 1983 60-64; Møller-Christensen 1966 [KLNM 11] 80; Nordland 1957 [KLNM 2] 7-8; Reichardt 1930 [ANF 46] 203; Reichborn-Kjennerud 1924 [MM 1924] 175; Reichborn-Kjennerud 1928 22-24; Reichborn-Kjennerud 1940 134-135; Salvesen 1968 56; Sigurður Samúelsson 1998 21; Tarsi 2022 169

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 71 (50); legal works [jur]: 31 (18); romances [rom]: 20 (19); contemporary sagas [bis]: 18 (14); family sagas [isl]: 15 (23); historical works [his]: 10 (33); learned works [div]: 9 (6); legendary sagas [fas]: 6 (8); charters [dip]: 6 (14); unclassified [ ]: 2 (1); þættir [tot]: 1 (4);

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose