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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


tunga sb. f. [-u; -ur]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) tunge

 ● skera tungu [ór e-m/e-u]

 ● troll toga tungu ór hǫfði [e-m]

 ● tunga vefsk um hǫfuð [e-m]

2) (som taleorgan) taleevne, tale, udtale, mening

 ● mǽla/tala sem einni tungu

 ● hafa tungu [fyrir e-m]

 ● halda tungu [um e-t]

 ● hrǿra tungu [móti e-m]

 ● leikr (á) tveim tungum [■ / um e-t]

3) (pars pro toto) (om den talende person)

4) sprog, tungemål

     (propr. comp.) :

 ● dǫnsk tunga
   1) “den danske tunge” (ɔ: det fælles nordiske sprog)

   2) det norrøne sprogområde

 ● mál ok tunga

 ● norrǿn tunga

 ● tal ok tunga

5) (om ngt tungeformet)

6) (land)tunge

II. (cogn.)

III. (propr. topogr.)

Form.: tungu (80); tunga (25); tungur (22); tvngv (18); tungum (13); tungo (13); tunguna (6); tungunni (5); tvnga (5); tvngo (5); tungan (5); tungv (4); tungor (4); Tungu (4); tungr (3); tungom (3); tungvm (3); tunngu (3); Tungo (3); túngu (2); tvngvr (2); túngan (2); tunnga (2); tungwm (2); Tvngv (1); tungna (1); tvnngv (1); Tunga (1); tunnghu (1); tungurnar (1); tvngur (1); tungunnar (1); tungunne (1); tvngvm (1); tvngnaɴa (1); túnga (1); tvnggo (1); tvngom (1); tongunnar (1); Tvngan (1); tunngna (1); túngur (1); Tunngu (1); tvngan (1);

Comp.: -barna-, ebrea- (2), eigin- (1), elds- (1), fjǫl·mǽlis- (1), frankis·manna- (1), franzeis- (1), gása- (2), hróps- (1), hunds- (1), hvik- (2), hǫfuð- (3), latínu- (12), lof- (8), móður- (4), orms- (14), oxa- (1), risa- (1)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin -tunga, Tungu-; Rím; LP; Med; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl item cf. corr.; WPA _; ; LMNL

Litt.: Björn Þorsteinsson 1962 [KLNM 7] 481; Eiríkur Magnússon 1888 [ANOH 1888] 334-335; Falk 1914 17; Finnur Jónsson 1914 [ANF 30] 193; Finnur Jónsson 1933-1934 [APS 8] 271; Holtsmark 1958 [KLNM 3] 477; Hægstad 1915 109; Indrebø 1921 [MM 1921] 148; Kålund 1877 515; Lindblad 1952 179; Rapola 1959 [KLNM 4] 295; Reichborn-Kjennerud 1947 27-28, 177; Sandøy 2000 866-869; Seip 1955 27, 170; Skautrup 1957 [KLNM 2] 662-664; Vilhjálmur Finsen 1883 682-683

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 69 (66); historical works [his]: 49 (43); romances [rom]: 40 (26); family sagas [isl]: 27 (30); legal works [jur]: 22 (24); learned works [div]: 12 (8); contemporary sagas [bis]: 12 (18); legendary sagas [fas]: 12 (11); charters [dip]: 6 (19); þættir [tot]: 5 (5); unclassified [ ]: 0 (1);

SB (red.) — April 2014

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose