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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


1á·verki sb. m. [-a; -ar]

(cf. áverk sb. n., áverki sb. n., áverkr sb. m.) áverk sb. n. [11] 1áverki sb. m. [121] 2áverki sb. n. [1] áverkr sb. m. [2]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

1) legemsskade, legemsbeskadigelse bodily injury, wound

2) [á e-m / við e-n] overfald, angreb assault

 ● sǽta áverkum [við e-n] overfalde, angribe assault, attack

 ● áverkar verða [með e-jum] slagsmål opstår (mellem nogle) a fight starts (between people)

3) [á e-m] erstatning for legemsbeskadigelse compensation for bodily injury

4) udbytte/afkast (af jordbrug), ?byggeri (på gård) produce/profit (of farming), ?building work (on a farm)

5) [á e-u] beskadigelse ved uretmæssig udnyttelse af anden persons jord damage in conn. with illegal use of another person’s land

6) udbytte/produkt ved uretmæssig udnyttelse af anden persons jord product of illegal use of another person’s land

cf. simplex meyja (7)

Form.: auerka (21); averka (13); áverka (12); áverca (8); áverki (6); averca (6); áverkar (5); áverkum (5); a verka (4); averki (3); áverkinn (2); auerki (2); áverkunum (2); averkum (2); aværka (2); aa-verka (2); averkom (2); averkvm (1); aværki (1); a verkom (1); aaverkum (1); averkann (1); a-verka (1); a-verki (1); Auerkar (1); ꜳverkann (1); auærkkæ (1); auerckar (1); averkar (1); averkumm (1); aá-verka (1); ꜳvercka (1); auerci (1); auerkan (1); auærkæ (1); ꜳ uerkum (1); a verca (1); auerkar (1); averkínn (1); averkt (1); Averki (1); Áverkar (1); auærka (1);

Gloss.: EJ (cf. corr.); ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen (áverk); Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím; LP _; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH _; AJ; deVr _; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Lúðvík Ingvarsson 1970 273-276; Taranger 1896 108

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 43 (12); family sagas [isl]: 27 (15); contemporary sagas [bis]: 20 (9); historical works [his]: 12 (21); religious works [rel]: 7 (32); charters [dip]: 6 (9); romances [rom]: 3 (13); unclassified [ ]: 2 (0); legendary sagas [fas]: 2 (5); þættir [tot]: 1 (3); learned works [div]: 0 (4);

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose