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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


festr sb. f. [dat. & acc. -i; -ar]

(cf. festa sb. f.) 1festa sb. f. [43]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) reb, snor rope, cord

2) fortøjningstrosse, det at fortøje (mooring) line, the act of mooring

 ● slá festum

3) sikring, fastgørelsesmiddel (af hval) evt. skåret af spæk fra strandet hval fastening (of a whale) evt. made of blubber cut from a stranded whale

cf. Lúðvík Kristjánsson 1986 40

4) (om reb til nedfiring (fra klippe, borgmur, etc.) of a rope used for abseiling (from cliff, castle wall, etc.))

cf. Lúðvík Kristjánsson 1986 149-155

     (propr. comp.) :

5) lænke (cf. járnfestr sb. f.) halter of iron

6) (om (sølv)kæde of a (silver) chain)

cf. Guðbrandur Jónsson 1919-1929 [SSÍ 5:6] 283

7) [við e-ja(f.)] (pl. festar) trolovelse, ret til at indgå fæstemål (pl. festar) betrothal, right to betroth

 ● eiga festar

 ● festar fara fram

 ● selja (fram) festar [e-rrar] [í hendr e-m]

 ● sitja í festum

 ● taka festar [af e-rri] [fyrir hǫnd e-rs]

8*) (for festa sb. f. def. 1)

II. (y. isl.)

Form.: festar (46); festum (34); festi (22); festarnar (8); festom (7); festina (7); festr (6); feste (5); festinni (4); fæstar (2); festínní (2); festurin (2); festrin (2); festí (2); festvm (2); festin (1); fæsti (1); festur (1); fæstr (1); fæstum (1); festarinnar (1); fester (1); festinne (1);

Comp.: alaðs- (5), bát- (4), báts- (1), bjarg- (4), fóta- (3), grjót- (1), guð·vefjar- (1), gull- (4), handa- (4), hand- (17), hlekkja- (2), járn- (17), ketil- (1), knúta- (1), land- (16), laun- (2), lǫg- (3), lǫg·þing- (1), naf- (1), nafn- (17), silfr- (11), skip- (1), skut- (4), tryggðar- (1), vin- (1), þing- (19)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen pl.; Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ item pl.; deVr; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM (festa sb.); Bl festi; WPA _; ; LMNL

Litt.: Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir 2010 230-239; Davíð Erlingsson 1971 36; Falk 1912 23, 28; Gunnar F. Guðmundsson 2000 258, 260; Guðbrandur Jónsson 1919-1929 [SSÍ 5:6] 283-284; Hesselman 1913 23, 25; Hovda 1960 [KLNM 5] 76; Hovda 1961 [KLNM 6] 95; Jansson 1940 [ANF 55] 158; Jón Jóhannesson [ÍF 11] 128 note 3; Lúðvík Kristjánsson 1986 40, 149-155; Magnús M. Lárusson 1959 [KLNM 4] 236; Marstrander 1915 27; Mezger 1944 [ANF 57] 111-112; Seip 1932 355; Vilhjálmur Finsen 1849 [ANOH 1849] 206; Vilhjálmur Finsen 1883 605; Ólafur Briem 1959 [KLNM 4] 220

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 45 (15); family sagas [isl]: 38 (19); historical works [his]: 26 (27); religious works [rel]: 15 (41); romances [rom]: 8 (16); legendary sagas [fas]: 8 (7); charters [dip]: 8 (12); contemporary sagas [bis]: 4 (11); þættir [tot]: 4 (3); unclassified [ ]: 2 (1); learned works [div]: 1 (5);

CS (red.) — September 2010

ER (omred.) — December 2019

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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fergir - fetill
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose