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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


erfð sb. f. [-ar; -ir]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English


1) [á e-u] (item pl. erfðir) arvegang, arveret (item pl.) inheritance, right of/to inheritance

     (propr. comp.) :

 ● at (réttum) erfðum

 ● taka/... at erfð(um) [e-t] [eftir e-n]

 ● tǿmisk at/í erfð [e-t] [e-m] (impers.)

 ● eftir réttri erfð/réttum) erfðum

 ● halda upp erfðum

“eg. gjøre sin arveret gjældende; dernæst: overtage arven”, Hertzb

 ● í erfð

 ● berr í erfð [e-t] (impers.)

 ● ganga/... í erfð(ir) [eftir e-n]

 ● taka í erfð(ir) [e-t] [eftir e-n]

 ● með erfðum

 ● með réttri/... erfð/réttum erfðum

 ● nǽstr (með) erfðum [eftir e-n]

 ● til erfða(r) [eftir e-n]

 ● berr til erfðar [■] [e-n] [eftir e-n] (impers.)

 ● falla til erfða [eftir e-n]

 ● fellr til erfða [■] [eftir e-n] [e-m] (impers.)

2) arveklasse class/degree of inheritance

3) (item pl. erfðir) arvegods, det som arves, arv (item pl.) legacy, heritage

 ● erfð tǿmisk [e-m / með e-m]

4) [e-s / í e-u] (om det at arve Guds rige/det evige liv of inheriting the kingdom of God/everlasting life)

5) (om arven efter Kristus ɔ: kristendommen of the inheritance of Christ ɔ: Christianity)

cf. Blaise hereditas def. 3, 5

6) (coll.) rester, det resterende (coll.) remains

7) arvegilde, gravøl wake

 ● drekka erfð [e-rs]

8*) (transl. err. for arving? transl. err. for heir?)

II. (y. no.)

Form.: erfð (66); erfd (30); erfðum (25); ærfð (13); erfðom (12); erfda (7); erfðir (6); erfdum (6); ærfðum (5); erfdar (5); erfða (3); ærfða (3); erfdvm (3); erfþum (2); erfðin (2); Erfðir (2); ærfðir (2); erfdha (2); erfþ (2); erfdir (2); erfþina (1); erfdom (1); erfþena (1); erfðar (1); ærffd (1); erfðinni (1); ærfðom (1); erfðariɴar (1); Erfdir (1); erfðina (1); erfþar (1); erfð (1); erfðer (1); ærfðvm (1); ærffdum (1); erfðiɴi (1); erfdæn (1); ærfðar (1); ærfden (1);

Comp.: brand- (3), far·manna- (1), fé·laga- (1), frǽnd- (3), fǫður- (3), gest- (1), gjaf- (1), gǫngu·manna- (1), gǫngu·manns- (1), hornungs- (1), hrísungs- (1), hús·karls- (2), karl- (1), konunga- (8), konungs- (6), land- (1), leysingja- (1), leysings- (1), móður- (1), ó·borins- (1), skip- (1), út- (1), van- (1)

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen (arfr); Fr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb item litla erfð; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr (erfa); Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM _; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Dennis, Foote & Perkins 2000 380; Grøtvedt 1939 94; Nygaard 1917 23; Seip 1931 [MM 1931] 57; Seip 1955 150, 184, 273; Vilhjálmur Finsen 1849 [ANOH 1849] 290-331

Genre. (expected): legal works [jur]: 119 (21); religious works [rel]: 39 (58); charters [dip]: 20 (17); historical works [his]: 15 (38); contemporary sagas [bis]: 8 (16); family sagas [isl]: 6 (26); romances [rom]: 6 (22); learned works [div]: 1 (7); unclassified [ ]: 1 (1); legendary sagas [fas]: 1 (9); þættir [tot]: 1 (5);

CS (red.) — April 2010

ER (omred.) — December 2019

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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ept, eptir - ern
él - éva
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose