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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


eld·ligr adj.

(cf. eldsligr adj.) eldsligr adj. [3]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

1) ild-, (fuld) af ild, flamme-, flammende, brændende, lysende som ild fiery, flaming, burning, lit up like a fire

 ● eldligar tungur (helligåndens) flammende tunger tongues of flame (representing the Holy Spirit)

2) (om ildlignende lys fra naturlige/overnaturlige fænomener) lysende, flammende (of the fiery light produced by natural/supernatural phenomena) flaming, fiery

3) (om lovene givet af Moses, cf. Vulg Deut 4-25) flammende, hårdt straffende (of the laws given by Moses) flaming, harsh and punishing

4) (spec. om lænker, etc., ofte anvendt som torturinstrument) glødende, rødglødende (spec. of irons, etc., often used as instruments of torture) glowing, red-hot

5) (om voldsomme følelser) “glødende”, lidenskabelig (of violent feelings) “glowing”, passionate

6) (om ild) som svier, svidende (of fire) stinging, searing

7) (om virkningerne af ergotisme, cf. eldr sb. m. def. 20 of the effects of ergotism)

8) (om martrende/nagende samvittighed) pinefuld (of a torturing/gnawing conscience) painful

cf. simplex -ligr (0)

Form.: elldligum (6); elldligr (3); elldligan (3); elldligri (3); elldligu (3); eldligom (3); elldligt (3); elldliga (3); eldligum (2); elldligar (2); elldlig (2); elldligv (1); elldligir (1); ælligum (1); elldlegre (1); Eldlig (1); ęlldligom (1); ællegr (1); ælligho (1); ællig (1); elldlegh (1); ellegre (1); eldliga (1); Elligar (1); Elldlig (1); eldligvm (1); eldlego (1); elligri (1); elldlegvm (1); elldlegum (1); elldligrar (1); eldligr (1); elldlegom (1); ælligu (1); elldlega (1); eligom (1); elligom (1); elligar (1); eldlegre (1); ældlegre (1); Elldligt (1); elldigr (1); elligvm (1); elldlegir (1); elligh (1); elldligh (1); elldlighum (1); elldleg (1); æld-lego (1);

Gloss.: EJ; ClV; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl ell-; Suppl1 ell-; Suppl2; Finsen _; Fr item elligr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb _; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4 _; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím _; LP _; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ _; deVr _; Fr4; NO; Walter _; ÁBlM _; Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Hermann Pálsson 1984 [Gripla 6] 45; Sverdrup 1911 [ANF 27] 13; Sverdrup 1911 [ANF 27] 7

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 58 (19); romances [rom]: 6 (7); historical works [his]: 5 (12); legendary sagas [fas]: 2 (3); learned works [div]: 0 (2); family sagas [isl]: 0 (8); legal works [jur]: 0 (7); contemporary sagas [bis]: 0 (5); unclassified [ ]: 0 (0); þættir [tot]: 0 (2); charters [dip]: 0 (5);

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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose