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ONP: Dictionary of Old Norse Prose


á·gǽtr adj. [compar. ágǽtari/ágǽtri, superl. ágǽtastr/ágǽztr]

Status: excerpted citation slips citation text supplemented structured definitions in Danish definitions in English

1) [af e-u / at e-u] udmærket, fremragende excellent, outstanding

 ● ágǽtrar (á)minningar (om afdød) “salig ihukommelse” (of a deceased person) of blessed memory

2) (i forb. m. stor kirkefest) stor, særlig fornem, højtidelig (≠ lat. festum duplex, cf. Magnús M. Lárusson 1959 [KLNM 4], 243) (in conn. with major church festivals) major, solemn

3) fremstående, fornem, anset distinguished, eminent, highly-esteemed

4) [af e-u / at e-u] kendt, berømt known, famous

5) kostbar precious

cf. simplex gǽtr (1)

Form.: agætr (11); ágætr (8); agetr (6); agiætr (5); ágæt (4); ágætastr (3); agætur (3); agætare (3); agætan (3); agiętum (3); agætir (3); ágetr (2); ágætt (2); agætum (2); ꜳgætr (2); agætzkir (2); agiętir (2); ágætir (2); agętr (2); agetrar (2); a giętr (2); agætazti (2); ágǽtr (2); ágæta (2); aagætur (2); agæzt (2); ꜳgiæti (2); agiæztu (2); agiætuztu (2); agæta (2); Agǽtr (1); ágæzstr (1); agætazta (1); ꜳ giæta (1); ágetra (1); agetan (1); agietur (1); agætara (1); ꜳgætari (1); agętt (1); ꜳ̋gæ̋tir (1); agætri (1); agiæt (1); ágætz (1); agætvr (1); agezstir (1); agętaz (1); ꜳ giætt (1); a-gǽzto (1); aagætr (1); ꜳgiætuztu (1); agætt (1); agæztan (1); agætvm (1); age᷎tr (1); agiætztr (1); agettr (1); agǽtir (1); a giæzt (1); agæztr (1); agiætur (1); ꜳgiætr (1); á-gǽzto (1); Agætr (1); agiætom (1); agæzti (1); ꜳgiæta (1); agętra (1); agięti (1); ꜳ giætt (1); a giætan (1); agiętt (1); ꜳgæta (1); agætazsto (1); agø̣tozto (1); ágætustu (1); ágẹ́tr (1); agietr (1); agiætt (1); agetv (1); agęt (1); agættri (1); a̋gætum (1); agezt (1); agætari (1); agæztv (1); agætast (1); agiætasta (1); agęzt (1); agętar (1); agetazti (1); agiætastr (1); agę́tum (1); ȧgætrar (1); ágæzta (1); agiętz (1); ꜳgiæz (1); ágætari (1); agætu (1); ágætasta (1); agetasta (1); áget (1); ꜳgiætum (1); ágætasti (1); ꜳgættuzto (1); agiętaztir (1); ægætum (1); agætann (1); ꜳgiætt (1); ágiætslu (1); ágǽzta (1); agiætan (1); agetazt (1); agiætazto (1); AGietan (1); ꜳ-giętr (1); ꜳ giætum (1); agetazto (1); ágiæztu (1); ágjætt (1); agetastr (1); agæ̋tazta (1); ágætastir (1); ageztir (1); ageztv (1); agætar (1); agætuz (1); ꜳ̋giætr (1); agę́tar (1); agætastur (1); agetra (1); aa-giætrar (1); agstr (1); agetar (1); agætasto (1); aggiæta (1); agæztir (1); agætvztvm (1);

Comp.: ó- (1), stór- (1)

Gloss.: EJ _; ClV item (all-) allágætr, (jafn) jafnágǽtr; ClVAdd _; ClVErr _; ClVSuppl _; Suppl1 _; Suppl2 _; Finsen _; Fr item allágætr; FrErr1 _; FrErr2 _; FrErr3 _; LLFrämm _; Hertzb; HertzbLat _; HertzbTill _; Suppl4; Fischer _; Anm _; Bin _; Rím _; LP; Med _; MedComp _; MedSimp _; WN _; AH; AJ; deVr _; Fr4 item jafnágætr; NO item allágætr; Walter _; ÁBlM item (gæti); Bl; WPA _;

Litt.: Finnur Jónsson 1914 [ANF 30] 62; Vrátný 1917 [ANF 33] 61

Genre. (expected): religious works [rel]: 55 (52); historical works [his]: 50 (34); romances [rom]: 42 (20); family sagas [isl]: 12 (24); legendary sagas [fas]: 12 (8); learned works [div]: 8 (6); contemporary sagas [bis]: 6 (14); þættir [tot]: 6 (4); legal works [jur]: 5 (19); charters [dip]: 2 (15); unclassified [ ]: 0 (1);

External (non-ONP) resources:

Lexicon Poeticum (2nd ed.)

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agni - aldaheimr
áðan - álfúrr
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Dictionary of Old Norse Prose