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NRA 51 (NRA51)  - 1r

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þar como a mot hanum riddarar alvapnaðer oc marger ſꝩæınar. Ðeſſa ʀıdd̅. aꝼðe ꝩılıamɼ
k̅ɼ ſen̅ꞇ æꝼꞇıɼ anu̅ aꞇ laꞇa dɼepa ̅. aɼlen̅ líop aꝼ eſteno̅ þuı aꞇ ̅ aꝼðe engan
hæɼbunað. ̅ bɼa ſꝩæɼðı oc ꝩaɼðe ſıc u ɼıð. n ꝼıɼıɼ þuı aꞇ maɼgeɼ ꝩelꞇo u
ꝩaɼð aɼlen̅ andꞇækın̅. oc bıoſk ʀıdd̅. eın̅ ꞇıl aꞇ oꝩa ̅. n þa eɼ ıaɼlen̅ ꝩıſſı ꝩæɼɼ
̅ ſkꝩlldı oꝩa þa ꝼıɼıɼ gaꝼ ̅ þeı̅ ʀıdd̅. ꝩan̅lega. oc ſꝩa k̅eno̅. oc allu̅ oðru̅ þæí
eɼ æꝼꞇıɼ anu̅ aꝼðu ꝼaɼeꞇ. oc ꞇıl ıaɼꞇegna gaꝼ ̅ ʀıdd̅. ſılkı kꝩɼꞇıl ſın̅. þeı̅ eɼ hoꝩa
ſkꝩlldı ̅. Ðuı neſt lagðe ̅ ſık ꞇıl ıaɼðaɼ ı cɼoſſ oc ɼeꞇꞇe baðaɼ endɼ ı ꝼra ſeɼ. oc ꝩaɼ
̅ þa alſ hoꝩın̅. oc aꝼ ̅s bloðe ꝼengo maɼgeɼ m̅ boꞇ. oc eɼ ꝩalþıoꝼr ſan̅ æılagɼ maðɼ
Fɼa þeſſom ꞇıðendu̅ ſægıɼ ınnılega þoꝛkæll ſunɼ þoꝛaðaɼ ſkalla. ̅ ꝩaɼ ırðmaðɼ ꝩalþíoꝼſ
ıaɼlſ. oc oꝛꞇe ̅ cꝩæðe eꝼꞇıɼ ꝼall ıaɼlſenſ oc eɼ þ̅a þaɼ ı. ıſt æꝼıɼ ꝩalþıoꝼ ɼauſtan
ılıamɼ. ſa eɼ ɼauð malma ın̅ eɼ aꝼ ſkaɼ ſuna̅n ellꞇ ı ꞇɼꝩgð u ꝩellꞇan

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