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○. PCRN Project Description 6. Proposed Timeline for the Project

6. Proposed Timeline for the Project

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Early 2000s

  • The project first proposed by Jónas Kristjánsson
  • The project taken up by Snorrastofa
  • The project taken up by the Reykjavík Academy and the University of Iceland
  • The Executive Board established
  • Period of discussion and consultation


  • Major workshop at Snorrastofa
  • Structure and scope of the project established
  • Strand Editors appointed
  • Applications for financial support begin


  • Receipt of several major financial grants


  • Work commences by Strand Editors
  • Major workshop at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Major workshop at the University of Iceland


  • Confirmation of three full research fellowships for the Editors of the “Histories and Structures” Strand at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Appointment of Project Coordinator based at Snorrastofa
  • Publication contract signed with Brepols Publishers


  • Receipt of a grant from the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture
  • Major workshop at the University of Århus, Denmark
  • Major workshop at the University of Bonn, Germany
  • Editors begin to appoint Volume Contributors


  • Editors of the “Research and Reception” Strand take up fellowships at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies, Uppsala, Sweden
  • Alpha form of the Sources Database under construction


  • Timetabled completion of the “Histories and Structures” Strand volumes
  • Timetabled completion of the “Research and Reception” Strand volumes


  • Publication begins


  • Timetabled completion of the “Sources” Strand volumes


  • Sources Database goes live



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