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Kenning Lexicon

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○. PCRN Project Description 5. Outline of Publications

5. Outline of Publications

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

In the autumn of 2011, a publication contract was signed with Brepols Publishers, an internationally-renowned publishing house specialising in scholarly works on the history, culture, literature and society of the European Middle Ages. The contract included provision for seven volumes, with the following working titles:

  • Pre-Christian Religions of the North: Written Sources
  • Pre-Christian Religions of the North: Archaeological Sources
  • Histories and Structures 1: Sources and Contexts
  • Histories and Structures 2: Conceptual Frameworks
  • Histories and Structures 3: Paganism and Christianity
  • Research and Reception 1: From the Middle Ages to c. 1850
  • Research and Reception 2: From c. 1850 to the present



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