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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 2. Reconstruction of poems A. Overview: handling of the corpus

A. Overview: handling of the corpus

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The corpus as published in the new edition will be divided as indicated in the Guidelines on Presentation.

The evidence for assigning verses to extended poems, and their internal ordering, will be reconsidered in the new edition, and the reconstructions adopted in Den norsk-islandske Skjaldedigtning (Skj) will not necessarily be retained. In general, the external evidence of the medieval mss which preserve the poetry will be given priority in questions of reconstruction since, although there may be reservations about such evidence in some cases, still greater uncertainties may be involved in departing from it. The internal evidence of content and style may, however, be invoked, especially where external evidence is lacking or demonstrably misleading.

The assignment of editing in the project has been made, necessarily, in line with the corpus as reconstructed in Skj, but some reclassification may result from the editing process. The reclassification of verses assigned to extended poems in Skj as lausavísur or unidentified fragments is relatively unproblematic in the sense that it is unlikely to have implications for other editors, but if editors of lausavísur or unidentified fragments believe that there is compelling evidence for regarding any of these as part of a longer poem, this should be discussed with the other editors and Coordinating Editor(s) concerned.



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