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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Mark Eirdr 23II/1 — grœðir ‘The nourisher’

Víða setti vísdóms grœðir
virki skrýddar hǫfuðkirkjur;
gørva lét þar hollvinr herjar
hrein musteri fimm af steini.
Vôru þau með tryggðar tíri
tíða flaust, es gramr lét smíða
bǫðvar snjallr ok beztr at ǫllu,
borði merkð, fyr Saxland norðan.

Grœðir vísdóms setti víða hǫfuðkirkjur skrýddar virki; hollvinr herjar lét gørva fimm hrein musteri af steini þar. Þau flaust tíða, es gramr, snjallr bǫðvar ok beztr at ǫllu, lét smíða með tíri tryggðar fyr norðan Saxland, vôru merkð borði.

The nourisher of wisdom [JUST RULER] established far and wide principal churches adorned with artwork; the loyal friend of the people [JUST RULER] had five shining minsters built from stone there. Those ships of services [CHURCHES], which the king, skilled in warfare and best in everything, caused to be crafted with the fame of security north of Saxony, were adorned with wood.


[1] grœðir vísdóms ‘the nourisher of wisdom [JUST RULER]’: This is an unexpected kenning in a relatively early secular panegyric, because such kennings usually occur in later ecclesiastical poetry denoting men of the church (see Meissner 389-90). Vísdóm ‘wisdom’ could, as in Sjórs Lv 2/2 (see Note), refer specifically to clerical knowledge here, meaning that Eiríkr made possible the circumstances in which Christian observance could flourish.



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