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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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○. PCRN Project Description

○. PCRN Project Description

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The Pre-Christian Religions of the North research project is a ground-breaking initiative concerned with pre-Christian religious belief and cultic practice in northern Europe before and during the arrival of Christianity in the region. A collaborative effort involving the input of more than 30 leading scholars around the world, the PCRN aims to produce an up-to-date series of studies, handbooks and resources for researchers, teachers and students of the medieval north. The project will include an in-depth, multi-volume analysis of the history and structures of the known pre-Christian religions, an online, free-to-access database of source material, and an extensive examination of the reception of this material from the medieval period to the present day. As such, the PCRN incorporates a number of specialised sub-projects led by small groups of experts, as well as a schedule of regular seminars and workshops, bringing together leading academics and subject-matter experts to debate cutting-edge scholarship. Scheduled to run until 2017, the Pre-Christian Religions of the North project is expected to leave a long-standing legacy of international, inter-disciplinary scholarship of the highest relevance and standard.



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