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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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5. The Skaldic Database 2. Terminology used in the database

2. Terminology used in the database

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Some terms in this interface may be unclear or have a slightly different usage from the terms’ normal meaning, including:

  • Skald: a poet (in the database the category is also used for a group of anonymous poetry)
  • Kenning: a poetic figure (technically a nominal periphrasis) where two nouns substitute for a third noun (e.g. horse of the sea = ship)
  • Heiti: a poetic figure where a noun substitutes for another noun (e.g. Grimnir for Óðinn)
  • Verse is sometimes used loosely for a stanza or fragment of a stanza
  • Text is sometimes used loosely for a prose work such as a saga or scholarly treatise
  • Poem is sometimes used loosely for any group of stanzas or fragments



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