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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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○. Pre-Christian Religions of the North: Sources 3. Semantic linking of the Pre-Christian Religions of the North

3. Semantic linking of the Pre-Christian Religions of the North

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

This is based on a paper submitted for publication.

The Sources strand of the Pre-Christian Religions of the North project aims to bring together and document the primary evidence for the early religions of Northern Europe. In order to be useful for researchers these sources must include metadata or semantic links that can connect them to concepts relevant to the study of religions. This paper outlines ways in which some very different source types, including textual sources, place-names, pictures and figurines, can be incorporated into a single resource. The aim is to both facilitate analysis and to separate documentary processes from interpretative ones. This structure has been tested using a web interface for both searching and data entry. Some possibilities for representing the visual and spatial data associated with the proposed resource are also demonstrated.



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