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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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6. Database instructions 1. General information 1. Some general database information

1. Some general database information

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The database consists of a number of linked tables which represent the different types of phenomena that are inputted, including texts, stanzas, manuscripts and so on.

Each table consists of rows which represent a single instance of each thing (e.g. Snorra Edda (text), Ragnarsdrápa 3 (stanza), AM 242 fol (manuscript)). The columns in each table represent different types of information relevant to each thing (e.g. a title for a text, a translation for a stanza or a date for a manuscript).

Each row has a column with a unique number (named 'id') which allows other tables to link to it. Normally a 'child' table will link to the 'id' column in a parent by using one of its columns, so 'text_id' in the stanza table links to the 'id' column in the text table.



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