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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pl 33VII/8 — víða ‘from far and wide’

Gǫr vas guðr, en verjask,
gramr þurfti her samna
trautt, áðr tíginn mætti
Trájánus vel ráni.
Bauð landreki lýða
liði ríðara fríðu
snildar framr at samna
sverðhríðar til víða.

Guðr vas gǫr, en áðr tíginn Trájánus mætti vel verjask ráni, þurfti gramr samna her trautt. Snildar framr landreki lýða bauð at samna víða fríðu liði ríðara til sverðhríðar.

Battle was begun, but before the noble Trajan could protect himself properly against plundering, the king had to gather an army with difficulty. The king of men, outstanding in prowess, bade [his men] gather from far and wide a fine band of knights for the sword-storm [BATTLE].



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