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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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3. Newsletters 3. Newsletter 3 (September 2005) 4. Sigla reordering – important request to all editors

4. Sigla reordering – important request to all editors

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

At our Reykjavík meeting, the general editors agreed that there should be a census date by which editors who want to make any sigla changes to the poetry they are editing (including reordering of stanzas within poems) inform both their responsible general editor and Tarrin of what the changes are to be. The census date is the end of November 2005.

These sigla changes can include:

  • Reassignment of stanzas from one poem to another or from one skald to another
  • ‘Creation’ of a new poem (or fragment of a poem) from a group of stanzas
  • Reordering of stanzas within a poem.

You will need to indicate the Skj skald/poem sigla (or stanza numbers) equivalent to any changes you propose to made when you send in your material and, of course, there will have to be adequate justification for proposed changes.

Many editors have already indicated what changes they want to make, but will all editors please attend to this matter now? After November 30 2005 we will consider the sigla finalised.

It is absolutely necessary that all editors think about this question now, even if publication of the volume(s) of the edition in which their work is located is several years away. The reason is that from the first published volume (Vol. 7, Poetry on Christian Subjects) onwards there will be cross-references to poetry to be published in other volumes. This will occur particularly in the Notes to individual verses. Every time such a cross-reference is made, the siglum used for it will have to be correct, according to our system and our system will differ in a number of respects from Finnur Jónsson’s.



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