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3. Newsletters 3. Newsletter 3 (September 2005) 1. Annual editors’ meeting and symposium August 2005

1. Annual editors’ meeting and symposium August 2005

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Guðrún Nordal and Valgerður Erna Þorvaldsdóttir organised the 2005 General Editors’ and Research Associates’ meeting in Reykjavík at Árnagarður on 9-10 August. We are all very grateful to Director Vésteinn Ólason and all the staff of Árnagarður for allowing us to meet there on those two days. A number of us also took the opportunity to consult manuscripts and use the library on either side of the meeting days.

Guðrún put on one of her fabulous dinner parties on the evening of Wednesday 10 August, featuring a salmon (or two?) she had caught herself. Even Þórr would have been impressed.

On Thursday 11 August Guðrún and Valgerður organised a one-day symposium on ‘New Interpretations of Skaldic Verse’ at the recently refurbished National Museum of Iceland. Papers were presented by several of the general editors (Margaret Clunies Ross, Kari Gade, Diana Whaley), research associates (Kate Heslop, Valgerður Þorvaldsdóttir) and contributing editors (Jayne Carroll, Martin Chase, Elena Gurevich, Russell Poole, Matt Townend). Many of the presentations looked at the question of reordering the conventional format and content of poems (see below).

On Friday 12 August the symposium participants enjoyed a half-day excursion to Viðey, where we had perfect weather for a walk on the island and a picnic lunch.



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