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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 1. Introduction to the project J. Quality control

J. Quality control

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

In Kiel the General Editors discussed the development of an order of procedure for various kinds of checks after Contributing Editors have submitted their drafts in order to ensure consistency and accuracy across all edited texts and all volumes.

‡ Contributing editors are responsible for the accuracy of their work. In addition, the following procedures will be adopted:

1. It will be the responsibility of the relevant General Editor to check that the manuscript paradosis is complete and correct for each verse. This includes the location of verses in mss (folio or page nos. and other relevant details).

2. Next the transcription and variant readings should be checked. This will be the responsibility of the General Editors (who may want to employ staff to check them) in consultation with Valgerður Þorvaldsdóttir.

3. General Editors should check the editing and general presentation of the verse(s) in the volumes they are responsible for, including the Introduction, Notes, and the editor’s knowledge of the secondary literature and conformity with all guidelines.

4. General Editors need to check the Prose Word Order (PWO) and its punctuation, to ensure that it is consistent with both the ON text and the translation. Guñrún Nordal will make a special check of the PWO to ensure that it is acceptable from the point of view of Icelandic usage.

5. The checking of all kennings (including their identification, interpretation and mark-up with curly and square brackets), as well as a check of heiti, should be carried out by the General Editors for the edited material for which they are responsible. Edith Marold will review and advise on kennings overall.

6. Kari Gade will carry out checks on both normalisation and metrics after the other checks have been completed.

7. Finally, Diana Whaley and Margaret Clunies Ross will check the editors’ English expression, spelling and the English translation of the ON poetry.



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