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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 2. Manual Supplement 2 2. Miscellaneous

2. Miscellaneous

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Cross-references to other texts

  • Where it seems useful to provide the full name of a text or poem, it should be given on first mention, with the short siglum in brackets, and the short siglum used thereafter. It is not necessary to give the long form for texts that are frequently used as sources of poetry in the volume, e.g. Ágr, Fsk, Hkr, SnE in SkP I.

Poetry in SkP V and VIII

  • The siglum consists of the abbreviated skald name, poem title (or Lv), and number, with superscript volume number if referenced from a different volume, and the saga siglum and number of the stanza within the saga. E.g. GunnlI Lv 4V (Gunnl 5).

People and places

  • ON place, personal and nick- names should not normally be italicised, unless they are part of a linguistic phrase e.g. ‘ON Lista, ModNorw. Lista’. Italicisation is also used when the form is under discussion in the Notes to þulur.
  • ON terms should be used for administrative districts where they do not correspond to modern equivalents, e.g. herað, fylki.
  • ‘Jutes’ is to be preferred to ‘Jutlanders’.
  • Either ‘North-West England’ or ‘North-Western England’ may be used.
  • Names in the Text and Prose Order should be normalised to the presumed date of the stanza, but to the C13th standard elsewhere (sigla, skald names, Introductions, Contexts, Notes).


  • Where stanzas contain words from other languages, the foreign words should be in roman in the Text and Prose order, and left in the original language and italicised in the Translation. They should be translated into English and discussed in the Notes. (This does not apply if the entire stanza is in another language.) The same applies to problematic ON words (i.e. those difficult to translate exactly).
  • Phrasal translations e.g þrálífr ‘tenacious-of-life’ should be avoided. ‘The one tenacious of life’ is to be preferred.
  • Translations of lemmata should include the words that translate the case endings, hence e.g. ‘with swords’ for sverðum or ‘of Norwegians’ for Nordmanna, even if there is an adjective qualifying the noun and hence coming between the preposition and noun.  
  • Adjectives should not be treated this way (i.e. not e.g. dauða ‘of dead’)

Mss used selectively

  • If if an additional ms. is to be used to confirm a reading (e.g. papp18x for Kx), that ms. should be consulted for the whole stanza and listed in the Mss. line for that stanza.

Later variants

  • Variants from younger mss which reflect later developments of the text should not be given in the Readings line. If of special interest, they may be mentioned briefly in the Notes, but this should be kept to a minimum.



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