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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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6. Database instructions 2. Updating specific data 1. Change classification of a stanza

1. Change classification of a stanza

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Classifications for stanzas are done in two ways - by skald and poem, and/or by prose work.

By skald/poem

All stanzas are linked to a 'poem' (may be a group of verses or a single verse/frag./lv.) and a skald (may be 'Anon'). There are separate tables for skalds, poems and stanzas ('verses'). To change a classification, you need a separate entry for the skald and the poem (or group of stanzas/ lvv.).

If there is already an entry for the skald and poem, simply edit the 'default' form for the stanza. Click on the poem field to select the new poem and skald from the list, and then change the number if necessary to the new number.

If you need to add a new skald, click on 'skalds' and the 'add new entry' icon (the page with a plus). Fill out the fields and click 'update'. Alternatively, click on an existing skald and edit the entry, clicking 'duplicate' to add a new entry with the new values.

If you have added a new skald, you will also need to add a new poem. The easiest way to do this is to select and edit an existing poem entry. Change the values as appropriate, especially changing the 'skald' link to the new skald.

By prose work

Volumes V and VIII organise some of the editions by the prose work in which they are found. The automatically-generated sigla use the field 'text' in the default form for editing the stanza. This should be set to the prose work in which the verse should be listed.



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