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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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11. Subscriber terms and conditions

11. Subscriber terms and conditions

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

This material is © Skaldic Project Academic Body, unless otherwise noted. Database structure and interface © Tarrin Wills. All users of material on this database are reminded that it is either subject to copyright restrictions or is the property of the custodians of linked databases that have given permission for members of the skaldic project to use their material for research purposes. Those users who have been given access to as yet unpublished material are further reminded that they may not use, publish or otherwise manipulate such material except with the express permission of the individual editor of the material in question and the General Editor of the volume in which the material is to be published. Applications for permission to use such material should be made in the first instance to the General Editor of the volume in question. All information that appears in the published volumes has been thoroughly reviewed. If you believe some information here is incorrect please contact Tarrin Wills with full details.

A. All subscribers:

  1. Access to the database is provided for free by Brepols and the Skaldic Project Academic Body to purchasers of volumes in the series. No guarantee is provided for access to all or any part of the purchased volumes. Material which is additional to the published volumes may not be subject to quality control or peer review.
  2. Access is given to individuals or institutions who have purchased a volume in the series Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages.
  3. Proof of purchase and a valid email address must be supplied.
  4. All correspondence will be addressed to the supplied email address.
  5. Access is only given to content of volumes purchased, in addition to the publicly-available content of the website.B>

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  1. Access is enabled by logging in with supplied email address and password.
  2. Access is only possible via a single application (web browser) on a single computer at any given time.
  3. A new password may be requested by the subscriber at any time.
  4. A new password may be issued at any time to the supplied email address.

C. Institutional subscribers:

  1. A valid email address and up to 3 IP ranges must be supplied for access.
  2. Access is automatic for users connecting using IP addresses in the given ranges.



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