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3. Newsletters 6. Newsletter 6 (August 2009)

6. Newsletter 6 (August 2009)

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

1. 2009 General Editors’ Meeting
The General Editors’ Meeting for 2009 was held at the Språkvetenskapligt centrum (Department of Scandinavian Languages), English Park, Centre for the Humanities at Uppsala Universitet, on 8-9 August 2009, immediately before the 14th International Saga Conference. Present were: Margaret Clunies Ross, Kari Ellen Gade, Guðrún Nordal, Edith Marold, Diana Whaley, Tarrin Wills, Hannah Burrows, Ann-Dörte Kyas, and John Foulks. We are most grateful to Prof. Henrik Williams and the staff of the Centre for providing a meeting room and for their hospitality.
2. Publication of SkP II: Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 2: From c. 1035 to c. 1300
SkP II, edited by Kari Ellen Gade, was published in June 2009. Contributors to the volume should by now have received their complimentary copy from the publisher, Brepols. If you have not yet received your copy, please contact Guy Carney ( Editors contributing to other volumes in the series are entitled to a 40% discount: please contact Brepols direct to take advantage of this. Please also encourage your institution’s library to purchase a copy.
3. Publication schedule
The next volumes to be published will be SkP I: Poetry for Scandinavian Rulers 1: Óláfr Tryggvason and Óláfr Haraldsson, ed. Diana Whaley and SkP IV: Poetry on Icelandic History, ed. Guñrún Nordal. We anticipate these will be ready towards the end of 2010 or in early 2011.
4. Personnel Changes
Emily Baynham, who has been research assistant in Sydney since 2004, has now left the project and been replaced by Helen Appleton. Helen holds a BA and MA from the University of Durham and is now undertaking a PhD at Sydney, looking at landscape in Old English texts. Helen is entering material into the database for Vols I and VIII.
Lauren Goetting, research assistant to Kari Ellen Gade in Bloomington, IN, has been reappointed for three years from the end of August 2009 to assist with data entry.
Edith Marold has received funding from the DFG for research assistance for three years (with the possibility of extension for a further two). She has appointed five assistants: Ann-Dörte Kyas, Jana Krüger, Vivan Busch, Katharina Seidel (palaeographer) and John Foulks (German-English translation).
5. Editorial Changes
Kari Ellen Gade is to co-edit SkP III with Edith Marold, and Tarrin Wills is to co-edit SkP V with Guðrún Nordal. The editors of other volumes remain the same.
6. Submission of editions
All Contributing Editors are reminded to follow the format for submitting editions set out in the Editors’ Manual (3rd edition) and Mini-Manual, available on the skaldic website. This includes the preparation of various lists and indices, transcriptions of (at least) the main ms., and a bibliography. It was agreed at this year’s General Editors meeting that Contributors be asked to submit lists of cross-references to eddic poetry, by stanza and line, as well as to skaldic poetry and the lists previously requested: of place and personal names mentioned in the Text, indigenous terms, and ethnic and regional names. Hannah will be in touch with all Contributing Editors soon with further details and examples.
7. Changes to the database
There will be major maintenance of the database in the week 24-30 August to convert the database to Unicode. Any changes made during this week may be lost, and access to and display of the database may be unreliable. If you are planning critical work on the database during that week, please contact Tarrin ( as soon as possible.
8. Date and place of next meeting
The next meeting of the General Editors and Research Associates will be held in Aberdeen on 26-27 June 2010.



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