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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual B. [Misplaced sections] 1. Timelines for Contributing Editors

1. Timelines for Contributing Editors

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

• Letters of invitation went out from Sydney to a large number of Contributing Editors in 1999-2000, though some editors will have received their invitations only recently, as we have had a small number of people pull out. In addition, as we were originally going to omit verses from fornaldarsögur, but were persuaded not to at the Sydney saga conference, editors assigned verses from Group H will have been contacted later than many others.

• Each Contributing Editor was asked to prepare for his/her Coordinator a sample text comprising at least 2 stanzas from each poem/set of verses he or she is editing. The original deadline for submission was December 31 2000, but those people engaged later were of course given later deadlines. At our April 2002 meeting at York, we discussed the situation of the small number of editors who have not yet submitted samples, and agreed that each would receive both a letter and email from Margaret Clunies Ross, explaining that the absolute deadline for the submission of these samples is now the end of September 2002. These letters have gone out and we await the samples.

• Between the end of 2000 and the end of 2002 the Coordinators will have checked all the samples that have been submitted, given feed-back to their editors, and have discussed issues arising from this exercise at their 2002 meeting.

• Contributing Editors are asked to send a report on the progress they have actually made by April 2003 to their Coordinating Editor(s) to reach her/them by 30 April 2003. This should be accompanied by a detailed plan of how they will achieve the project objective of having a completed draft of all verses to Coordinating Editor(s) by October 2004. The timetable should be realistic, and any problems encountered which might make it difficult to submit by the agreed time should be indicated to the Coordinating Editor(s) as soon as possible.

• Editors will submit the first drafts of their editions to the Coordinators by the end of October 2004 or earlier if possible.

• Coordinators will return the corrected first drafts to their editors by the end of October 2005, and, in the case of Poetry on Christian subjects (see below) by January 2005.

• Editors’ final drafts of edited texts will be due with their Coordinators in September 2006 for all groups except E and F (Christian subjects only, due September 2005) and Group B. Contributions in Group B will be due in February 2006.



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