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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mdr 34VII/7 — greypum ‘cruel’

Einkannlig mær, mönnum
mest líknar þú flestum;
allra manna í milli
mjúkust ertu sjúkum.
Göfug eik, ger oss mjúka,
greinar lífs, og hreina;
lát oss af greypum glæpum
guði treystandi leysta.

Einkannlig mær, þú líknar mest flestum mönnum; í milli allra manna, ertu mjúkust sjúkum. Göfug eik greinar lífs, ger oss mjúka og hreina; lát oss, treystandi guði, leysta af greypum glæpum.

Unique maiden, you show mercy exceedingly to most people; among all people, you are most gentle to the sick. Noble oak of life [lit. of the branch of life], make us humble and pure; let us, trusting in God, be released from cruel sins.



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