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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Líkn 42VII/5 — heimi ‘the world’

Sett hefr sína dróttar
sigrstoð konungr roðna
blikmeiðundum blóði
bauga láðs fyr augu.
Sjá má hverr í heimi
hnossa brjótr, á krossi
dyggr hvé sinn faðm seggjum
sólstéttar gramr réttir.

Konungr dróttar hefr sett sína sigrstoð roðna blóði fyr augu láðs bauga blik meiðundum. Hverr brjótr hnossa í heimisjá, hvé dyggr gramr sólstéttar á krossi réttir seggjum faðm sinn.

The king of the host [RULER = Christ] has set his victory-post [CROSS], reddened with blood, before the eyes of harmers of the radiance of the land of rings [(lit. ‘radiance-harmers of the land of rings’) ARM > GOLD > GENEROUS MEN]. Each breaker of treasures [GENEROUS MAN] in the world may see how the faithful king of the sun’s path [SKY/HEAVEN > = God (= Christ)] on the Cross extends his embrace to men.


[5] sjá má hverr í heimi: The restoration of sjá, proposed marginally by Jón Sigurðsson in 399a-bˣ and adopted by all eds, is supported by an accent indicating possible <í> followed by trace of possible <a>. Skothending is achieved by eliding the <á> of sjá and the <m> of to rhyme with heimi.



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