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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Líkn 31VII/8 — höll ‘hall’

Heill ver kross, er kallaz,
Krists mark, himins vistar
lýðs af læknis dauða
lykill mannkyni syknu;
örr því at upp lauk* harri
élskríns fyr þik sínum,
áðr þá er læst var lýðum,
lífs höll vinum öllum.

Heill ver kross, Krists mark, er kallaz lykill himins vistar mannkyni syknu af dauða lýðs læknis; því at örr harri élskríns lauk* upp fyr þik lífs höll öllum sínum vinum þá er áðr var læst lýðum.

Hail Cross, Christ’s sign [CROSS], which is called the key of heaven’s dwelling for mankind, acquitted through the death of mankind’s healer [= Christ]; for the generous lord of the storm-shrine [HEAVEN > = God (= Christ)] opened by means of you life’s hall [SKY/HEAVEN] for all his friends, which was earlier locked to men.



case: acc/dat.


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