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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Leið 2VII/3 — hróðri ‘praise-poem’

Fyrr kveðk frægjan harra
fagrgims, þanns ræðr himni,
hás at hróðri þessum
hreggranns an kyn seggja.
Æstik aflamestan
orðgnóttar mér dróttin;
hrœrð skulu mín til mærðar
málgǫgn, en lið þagni.

Kveðk frægjan harra fagrgims hás hreggranns, þanns ræðr himni, at hróðri þessum fyrr an kyn seggja. Æstik aflamestan dróttin orðgnóttar mér; málgǫgn mín skulu hrœrð til mærðar, en lið þagni.

I call upon the famous king of the fair jewel of the high storm-house [SKY/HEAVEN > SUN > = God], the one who rules heaven, [to hear] this praise-poem before the kinsfolk of men. I request the most powerful lord for word-abundance for myself; my speech-organs shall be stirred into praise, and let the people keep silent.



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