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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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3. Newsletters 5. Newsletter 5 (May 2008) 2. The development of the database

2. The development of the database

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The data entry process has been further streamlined and new forms have been added: allowing for the lemmatisation of the corpus, working towards the production of a new Lexicon Poeticum, and for the classification of kennings, working towards a new kenning-index. Tarrin Wills has begun lemmatising the material from SkP VII and Edith Marold is to undertake the kenning-classification.

An online bibliography has been developed by Tarrin (with feedback from Hannah), which will eventually serve as the bibliography for the entire project, to be published in hard copy in SkP IX. Data entry is ongoing (see further point iii below).

The database as a resource

Material is consistently being entered into the database and consequently it is ever-expanding as a resource for editors. Features which may be especially useful are:

            i. Poetry from the new edition: About 38% of the corpus for the new edition has been entered, mostly from volumes VII and II. This may be useful for cross-referencing. (Note that even if the new edition has not been entered, each stanza’s unique siglum and the vol. it is to appear in can be found in the database: cross-references within our edition should be in the format Anon Eirm 3I; Bragi Rdr 7III; Egill Lv 4V; though the volume numbering should be dropped for references to items within the same volume.)

            ii. Kenning lists: The kenning lists are growing and can be browsed by referent (go to database > kennings (browse kennings by referent). Text and translations can be searched in the same place (use the ‘search’ tab). It may be useful to see how others have coded kenning-types (a good measure of standardisation is desirable to reflect the nature of the kenning corpus).

            iii. Bibliography: The bibliography-in-progress can be viewed under database > bibliography > full bibliography. Remember too that some hard-to-find printed works have been scanned and images made available through the database, in particular now-out-of-print editions such as FSN, Fms, Unger’s Heilagra Manna Søgur and B. M. Olsen’s Den tredje og fjærde grammatiske afhandling i Snorres Edda. A full list of printed works with images in the database can be found at:

            iv. Dictionaries: LP, Fritzner, Cleasby-Vigfusson and Zoe¨ga can be searched or browsed via database > dictionaries.



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