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3. Newsletters 5. Newsletter 5 (May 2008) 1. 2008 General Editors’ Meeting and Symposium in Old Norse-Icelandic Studies

1. 2008 General Editors’ Meeting and Symposium in Old Norse-Icelandic Studies

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The General Editors’ meeting and accompanying symposium for 2008 was held at the University of Sydney and the Wombeyan Caves, New South Wales, on 2-4 April 2008. Funding for participants was obtained from the Australian Research Council-supported Network for Early European Research (NEER), with some additional assistance generously provided by the Head of the School of Letters, Arts and Media at the University of Sydney, Geraldine Barnes. The symposium, on 2 April, afforded scholars in the field of Old Norse-Icelandic Studies from all over Australia, as well as members of the Skaldic Project and other visiting scholars, the opportunity to present and discuss their current research. More than thirty participants heard thirteen papers, some of which, it is hoped, will be published in a future issue of Parergon, the Journal of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies.

The General Editors and Research Associates/Assistants of the Skaldic Project then headed into the tranquillity of country New South Wales for the annual meeting. Issues arising are discussed separately below.



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