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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 7. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines I. General conventions and abbreviations F. Other abbreviations

F. Other abbreviations

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

ÁM           Árni Magnússon

c.                circa

C10th          tenth century (etc.; # C10th-11th not C10th-C11th)

ch.              chapter

chs              chapters

# d.             died

# ed.           editor, edited (by)

# edn          edition

# eds           editors, editions

fol.           folio

fols          folios

hap. leg.     hapax legomenon (pl. legomena) — unique word(s)

l.              line

ll.             lines

lit.               literally (for use in translations [# italicised] and notes [# roman])

lv.            lausavísa

lvv.           lausavísur

ms.              manuscript

mss             manuscripts

n.                note (but e.g. anm. if notes are labelled as such in the source)

# no.           number

p.                page

pp.              pages

r.              reigned (of regnal dates of kings, earls etc.)

S.                Saint

SS.              Saints

# sby           somebody (similar usage to sth.)

# sth.           something; e.g. þeygja yfir e-u 'keep silent about sth.'

sp.            spelt/spelled

st.                stanza

sts               stanzas

v.                verse

vv.              verses

# vol.          volume

w. o.        word order

lectio facilior     easier reading

lectio difficilior  more difficult reading

Note that 'v. l.' / 'vv. ll.' is not included: use 'variant reading(s)'.



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