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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 7. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines I. General conventions and abbreviations C. In-text references 2. References to ON poetry

2. References to ON poetry

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Line numbers of verses under discussion should be in the format: l. 7 or ll. 3-4. References to particular lines in other verses should be in the format: st. 15/7 in the case of 8-line stanzas, or v. 13/3 in the case of incomplete stanzas, or (where the title is specified) Vell 15/7.

# a.    Eddic poetry 

i.       Titles of eddic poems should always be abbreviated following the format in Lexicon Poeticum (e.g. Lok  = Lokasenna), unless the poem is not listed in LP, when the title should be given in full, e.g. Svipdagsmál.

ii.      References to NK should only be given when the text of the poem is cited; otherwise, the abbreviated title plus (NK) stanza number (and possibly line) should be given, e.g. Hávm 12/4.

# b.   Skaldic poetry

i.       References to skaldic poetry and to þulur should be to the sigla adopted for our edition (a full list is available on the skaldic website; see also >> 9. Sigla for the corpus A-1.) Reference to lines within stanzas in other volumes in the corpus should include the line number before the superscript vol. no.: ESk Geisl 29/3VII.

ii.      References to our edition should be to SkP and to volumes as SkP II, SkP VI etc.



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