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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 6. Guidelines for the English translation 3. Kennings II. Analysing and formatting kennings B. Format

B. Format

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

i. Schema of referent formats

a.       [REF]

b.      [REF > REF2] etc.

c.       [= Name]

d.      [REF = Name]

e.       [REF (Icelandic word 'translation') > REF2]

f.       [(lit. 'translation') REF > REF2].

ii. Notes

·   All expressions which you classify as a kenning (or sub-kenning) must be given a referent.

·   Cases of serious uncertainty should be discussed in the notes.

·   All generic referents (REF, REF2 above) must be taken from the list of referents below (an updated version including necessary additions to Meissner's list can be found on the database).

·   The referent must occur immediately after the closing bracket of the kenning ('}'). # However, kennings forming the base-word of another kennings are an exception: see §§ iv and vii above.

·   Any format can be extended as in (b.) if there is a simple chain of referents forming determinants.

·   In such cases, all referents of sub-kennings must be included in the chain.

·   'Name' is a specific person, mythological being, place, etc. to which the kenning refers.

·   The '(Icelandic word 'translation')' format is for ofljóst forms as described in § A-vi above.

·   The '(lit. 'translation')' format is used to give the literal translation of re-ordered inverted kennings.



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