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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 6. Guidelines for the English translation 3. Kennings II. Analysing and formatting kennings A. Kenning and kenning referent types iii. Extended

iii. Extended

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

A kenning can form part of another kenning. Where it is the determinant (as in almost all cases), another set of curly brackets should also surround the outer kenning. The referents are given in order from innermost to outermost, separated by a greater-than sign (>):

a.       {draugr {Þrúðar dolga}} — (Karlevi stone)

b.      {the tree {of the Þrúðr <goddess> of hostilities}} [VALKYRIE (Hildr 'battle') > WARRIOR}

c.       the tree of the Þrúðr <goddess> of hostilities [VALKYRIE (Hildr 'battle') > WARRIOR}

a.       {lýsibrekka {íss leggjar}} — (Hfr lv 15)

b.      {the bright slope {of the ice of the arm}} [SILVER > WOMAN]

c.       the bright slope of the ice of the arm [SILVER > WOMAN]

a.       {ins gjalla baugnafaðs hjóls {meyjar Hǫgna }} — (Bragi Rdr 2)

b.      {of the resounding wheel, hubbed with a circular boss, {of the maid of Hǫgni <legendary king>}} [= Hildr > SHIELD]

c.       of the resounding wheel, hubbed with a circular boss, of Hǫgni's <legendary king's>  maid [= Hildr > SHIELD]

a.       {aumir árar {sterkrar þrimu {minnis {benstara}}}} — (EGils Guðkv 23)

b.      {the wretched servants {of the mighty din {of the toast {of wound-starlings}}}} [RAVENS > BLOOD > BATTLE > WARRIORS]

c.       the wretched servants of the mighty din of the toast of wound-starlings [RAVENS > BLOOD > BATTLE > WARRIORS].



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