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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 6. Guidelines for the English translation 3. Kennings II. Analysing and formatting kennings A. Kenning and kenning referent types ii. Proper-name referents

ii. Proper-name referents

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

When kennings refer specifically to identifiable people, places or mythological beings, the referent should not be taken from the generic, capitalised referent list in § C-i. Rather, the name should be included in lower case after an equals sign and a space (=) in the translation:

a.       {hefnir Áleifs} — (Arn Hryn 14)

b.      {avenger of Óláfr} [= Magnús]

c.       avenger of Óláfr [= Magnús]

a.       {inn mæri mǫgr Sigvarðar} — (Bragi Rdr 2)

b.      {the famous son of Sigvarðr} [= Ragnarr loðbrók]

c.       the famous son of Sigvarðr [= Ragnarr loðbrók]

Kennings involving mythological figures who can also be personifications, e.g. beðja Þundar, may require additional clarification. If it means the goddess Jǫrð:

a.       {beðja Þundar)

b.      {the bedmate of Þundr <= Oðinn>} [= Jǫrð]

c.       the bedmate of Þundr <= Oðinn> [= Jǫrð]

However, if the kenning means 'earth, land':

a.       {beðja Þundar)

b.      {the bedmate of Þundr <= Oðinn>} [= Jǫrð (jǫrð 'earth')]]

c.       the bedmate of Þundr <= Oðinn>  [= Jǫrð (jǫrð 'earth')]

In some cases (e.g. where references to two main protagonists alternate rapidly), it may be useful to indicate who is designated by a kenning, using the format = Bersi:

b.      {emissary of the {candle of estuaries}} [GOLD > GENEROUS MAN = Bersi]

c.       emissary of the candle of estuaries [GOLD > GENEROUS MAN = Bersi]

This should not, however, be done routinely.



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