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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 6. Guidelines for the English translation 3. Kennings II. Analysing and formatting kennings A. Kenning and kenning referent types i. Simple

i. Simple

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Kennings have two parts (a base-word and determinant) and a referent. A simple kenning is surrounded by curly brackets in the Prose order and Translation, and the referent given in square brackets in the latter. If either the base-word or determinant is a heiti, this and its gloss should also be included in the brackets. Articles and prepositions which translate a grammatical case and/or suffixed article for words in the kenning are also included in the brackets.

Here is a simple genitival relationship between the two parts:

a.       í {flaumi sverða} — (Bragi Rdr 3)

b.      in {the eddy of swords} [BATTLE]

c.       in the eddy of swords [BATTLE]

Compounds should be translated with compounds, if possible:

a.       {valfasti} — (GíslI Erf 16)

b.      {corpse-flame} [SWORD]

c.       corpse-flame [SWORD]

Glosses of heiti should also follow the heiti within the kenning brackets:

a.       {Rôn dýnu} — (Hfr lv 15)

b.      {the Rôn <sea-goddess> of the eiderdown} [WOMAN]

c.       the Rôn <sea-goddess> of the eiderdown [WOMAN]

Any descriptive elements (e.g. adjectives) which belong to (and often clarify the kenning) should also be included in the brackets. The kenning referent, unless a specific person, place or supernatural being (see § ii, below) should be taken from the list of kenning referents (see § C-i below; the most up-to-date version is available on the database). If the referent is missing from the list, let the responsible Volume editor know.



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