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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 3. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 10. Miscellaneous formatting points

10. Miscellaneous formatting points

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Brackets: use of [ ] and ( )

We use: [] in Translations; e.g.:

'we [I]'; 'eminence of the [bishop's] seat', 'less harmful [lit. more unharmful]' (Manual3, 53).

- which is appropriate, since the editor is breaking into the text.

An exception is in explaining inverted kennings within the translation, where (lit. 'xxxx') is used, but that is because it is set within [ ] (Manual3, 83).

When the bracketed material is a legitimate part of the Text, not an editorial gloss, ( ) is more appropriate, e.g. in Geisl 44, Note on [5, 8], where sá hjǫrr and síðan are in the Text:

vas ... fundinn 'was ... found' : ... '(that sword) ... has (later) been found'

rather than:          

vas ... fundinn 'was ... found' : ... '[that sword] ... has [later] been found'

Clauses, references to

References to clauses should follow the example below:

         'the svát-cl.' Geisl 67 (not 'the svát clause').

Commas, use of

Commas should not be used in the following instances:

a.       between titles of works and chapters or dates:

                   Eg ch. 2 (not Eg, ch. 2);

                   Stu 1906-11, II, 295 (not Stu, 1906-11, II, 295);

b.      to separate off poem sigla; the following formats are permitted:

                   herskerðandi 'army-hacker' Gunnl Lv 13  OR

                   Gunnl Lv 13/5 herskerðandi 'army-hacker';

c.       between ON words and grammatical information provided about them, e.g.:

                   sárum n. dat. pl. (not sárum, n. dat. pl.).


Angle brackets are used for :

'derived from/giving rise to' etymologically

'developing from/developing into' semantically (e.g. Líkn 44/2, 46/6-7)

but NOT for 'from' (grammatically) as in skerðu 'they cut', 3rd pers. pl. pret. indic. < skerða (Geisl 40).

Quotations, introduction to:

Introducing quotations with source first, a colon is used, e.g. (from Pét):

Matt. XVII.2: resplenduit ... ;

Stjórn (ed. Unger 1862, 225/15): medr hialparhendi.

Without source first, a comma is used:

         According to Snorri, 'xxxx'.


Queries should be indicated in line with the following examples (both Pét 5):

         in an C18th (?) hand;

         *trufelld 'given to faith, faithful' (?).


Rhymes should be indicated according to the following format:

'For the sake of the rhyme -erð- : -orð …';

'... forms a skothending with brynsvells (-ull- : -ell-) and is adopted here'.



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