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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 3. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 7. Editions

7. Editions

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Editions of two main sorts will be listed: editions of skaldic poetry, and editions of prose works in which the poetry is preserved. 

a.      Editions of skaldic poetry: Finnur Jónsson's Skjaldedigtning and E. A. Kock's Skaldediktningen should always be cited and, where available, Notationes Norrœnæ. Hence, e.g.: 'Skj AI, 167, Skj BI, 157, Skald I, 85, NN §§ 516, 517'.  Note that these items are separated by commas and the grouping is followed by a semi-colon, which separates it from the next group. Separate editions of specific poems or poets may be listed here if they are referred to sufficiently regularly to constitute 'staples'; if used less frequently they come under § c.

b.      Editions of the prose works in which the stanzas are preserved. Reference should be made to Íslenzk fornrit editions, where available, and to whatever the editor of the poem considers to be the best and most authoritative separate edition(s) of the work in question, if such exist(s). (The value of editions may lie in textual or editorial material, or both.) Other editions or series may be listed here if they are referred to sufficiently regularly to constitute staples (potential examples being Íslendinga sögur 1987, Sturlunga saga 1988, Heimskringla 1991 or certain older editions). If used less frequently they come under c).

c.       Other editions which offer occasional insights into stanzas need not be routinely listed but should be cited in the notes as necessary.

d.      Editions should be referred to using the >> 5. Sigla for Sources C, followed by the date of first publication. Page numbers of editions should be given without 'p.' or 'pp.'. Chapter numbers should be added in the case of prose works divided into chapters, hence, e.g. Hallfr 1977, 47 (ch. 5/6) [Hallfr 1977 presents parallel texts with discrepant chapter divisions]. Where the edition is of a saga that forms part of a compilation, editors should use the siglum for the compilation (e.g. Flat 1860-8, Stu 1906). # Because compilations vary as to whether or not they contain named constituent sagas, whether there is more than one ms. (so that compilation and manuscript are not one and the same thing), and whether their ch. numbers can be usefully cited, some examples may be useful. In each case the 'Mss' and 'Editions' entry are designed to complement each other. The sources are given a line each for clarity here, but of course they will be run-on in the edition.


K«(521r),39(18va), J2«(257r),E(10r)(Hkr);

FskB«(76r), 51(68r), FskA«(280-1) (Fsk);  

H(56v), Hr(41va) (H-Hr);

R(26r), T«(27r), W(57), U(58), B(5r) (SnE, ll. 1-4);

Mork(13r) (Mork);

Flat(200va) (Flat);



Hkr 1893-1901, III, 165, IV, 230, ÍF 28, 151, Hkr 1991, 658 (HSig ch. 63);

Fsk 1902-3, 271 (ch. 47), ÍF 29, 268 (ch. 57);

Fms 6, 319 (HSig ch. 78);

SnE 1848-87, I, 437, SnE 1931, 116, SnE 1998, 36;

Mork 1932, 211;

Flat 1860-8, III, 363;

F 1871, 236.

Note that:

i) No ch. numbers are given for SnE, nor are its constituent parts distinguished.

ii) No sagas or ch. numbers are given for Mork, Flat or F since these only exist in a single edition (and in the case of Mork the Andersson & Gade translation has different ch. numbers). This is a change to Manual 3.

iii) The F (Fríssbók) example is given to illustrate the format when a ms. cannot be considered to represent a particular prose work. F is normally a Hkr ms., and presented as such, but at some points, as here, it is independent of the Hkr tradition. It is also possible to find the reverse situation: for sts from Sv, Flat belongs in the Sv stemma, not as a separate compilation, so (Flat) should not be added in this case.

iv) In the Notes referring to editorial decisions, only, e.g., 'Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson in ÍF 28' is needed, since the details will be in the Editions list.

v) Where Hkr is not a source for the verse under discussion and is therefore not in the Editions list, the following procedure should be adopted:

Sagas are referred to as HSig (etc.), or as HSigHkr if it is not clear that Hkr is under discussion.

Where more precise referencing is needed:

Hkr (ÍF 28, 135-7) where not already inside brackets; or

(Hkr, ÍF 28, 135-7) where already inside brackets.

Where a particular saga or ch. is to be specified, the format can be:

     in Msona (ÍF 28, 135) OR in Msona ch. 14 (ÍF 28, 135).

If it is not obvious that Hkr is being discussed, this is incorporated in the siglum:

         in MsonaHkr (ÍF 28, 135) OR in MsonaHkr ch. 14 (ÍF 28, 135).

e.       If the verse is preserved in more than one prose work (e.g. SnE and Hkr), the printed editions should be placed in the same order as the ms. groupings.  If more than one edition of a prose work is listed, they should be ordered by date of publication. Editions of the same work are separated by commas, editions of different works by semi-colons, e.g. 'ÓT 1958, I, 389 (ch. 171); Flat 1860-8, I, 327 (ch. 271); ÍF 8, 157 (ch. 6), Hallfr 1977, 47 (ch. 5/6), where ÍF 8 and Hallfr are both editions of Hallfreðar saga.



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