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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 3. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 6. Readings iv. Problems arising from mss now partly illegible, and transcripts of these

iv. Problems arising from mss now partly illegible, and transcripts of these

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

y.      The transcripts should be consulted at points where the exemplar is illegible.

i.       In such cases, all the «mss and eds consulted must be listed in the Mss list (in the 'selective' category if appropriate), complete with fol or p. numbers if these exist.

ii.      If the exemplar is defective and readings need to be supplied from the « mss, these readings need not be treated as emendations and italicised in the Text, but the situation should be explained in the Introduction to the poem, with the variants from both the copy and the damaged exemplar given in the Readings, e.g.:

         [4] staðir: so 1032«, 'st[…]' 713.

z.       The transcripts should be used selectively. If the text of a st. is still legible in the exemplar, there is no reason to consult the transcripts or to list them in the apparatus. If the editor wishes to draw attention to readings from the transcripts (that is, emendations made by the copyists of the «mss) that may corroborate an emendation of a reading, that can be done in the Notes. Within a st., the transcripts should be used to supply illegible letters but not otherwise.

aa.    Editions that are used as mss should be included in the Mss section if they appear in the Readings. If they are not used as readings, they should be mentioned in the Notes only. Practice may differ from poem to poem, and procedures should be explained in the Introduction to the poem in question.



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