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Kenning Lexicon

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2. Manuals and Guidelines 1. Mini Manual 2. Information about the Edition i. Publication schedule

i. Publication schedule

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

# This list constitutes an updated version of Annex 1 of the agreement between the Academic Body (comprising the six General Editors) and Brepols Publishers to publish the Series of volumes entitled Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages, and is reproduced below, so that all editors are aware of the publication schedule relevant to the material they are editing.

ANNEX 1 - Production Programme

Vol. VII      Poetry on Christian Subjects, ed. Margaret Clunies Ross

        * expected publication date                   30 November 2007

Vol. II         Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 2: From c. 1036 to c. 1300, ed. Kari Ellen Gade

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           31 August 2008

         * expected publication date                   November 2008

Vol. VI       Runic Poetry, ed. Edith Marold

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           December 2008

Vol. IV       Poetry on Icelandic History, ed. Guðrún Nordal

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           December 2008

Vol. I          Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 1: From Mythical Times to c. 1035, ed. Diana Whaley (this vol. will also include the General Introduction to the whole series)

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           mid-2009

         * expected publication date                   December 2009

Vol. III       Poetry from Treatises on Poetics, ed. Edith Marold

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           31 December 2009

Vol. V         Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders, ed. Guðrún Nordal

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           2010

Vol. VIII     Poetry in fornaldarsögur, ed. Margaret Clunies Ross

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           31 August 2010

Vol. IX       Bibliography and Indices (probably ed. by General Editors together).

         * delivery of PDF files to printer           31 August 2011

         * expected publication date                   15 November 2011

The Agreement mentioned above covers the whole series, but each Contributing Editor is subject to an individual protocol which covers his/her specific contribution(s). These also include information about entitlements to free copies and discounts etc. # Any Editor who has not yet signed the individual protocol should contact Margaret Clunies Ross to do so immediately.

The contents of each volume can be found on the skaldic database.



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