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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 1. Introduction to the project D. Administrative arrangements

D. Administrative arrangements

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The administrative centre of the skaldic editing project is at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney and Margaret Clunies Ross is the administrative editor and principal convenor. Dr. Tarrin Wills is the Research Associate on the project in Sydney, and he is responsible for directing its electronic side. Tarrin’s salary and other costs are funded from 2002-6 out of a research grant from the Australian Research Council. A great deal of information for editors is now available on the project’s web site and all editors are encouraged to consult it regularly, use the considerable amount of material that has been assembled there and post queries or problems for discussion. All editors should now have a password to enable them to access restricted parts of the site. Please contact Tarrin ( if you do not have one. In addition to the assistance provided from Sydney, Valgerður Erna Þorvaldsdóttir has recently been appointed as a full-time Research Associate to the skaldic project in Reykjavík from June 2002-December 2004. Her work is funded from a grant to Guðrún Nordal from NOS-H. Valgerñur is available to help editors with bibliographical and manuscript references and is willing to facilitate the work of editors in any way she can. Contact her at In addition, Diana Whaley has recently been awarded funds by the British Modern Humanities Research Association to employ a short-term Research Associate in the first part of 2003. Kate Heslop has just been appointed to this position. She will be working within the kings’ sagas and will be in contact with relevant editors.



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