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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 1. Introduction to the project C. The role of contributing editors

C. The role of contributing editors

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The General Editors have now invited over forty Contributing Editors with a known interest and expertise in skaldic poetry to edit specific poems/verses or the work of a particular skald, in order to bring the project to completion within a reasonable time (see Section G below on Timelines). All Contributing Editors should by now have received a formal invitation to participate in the project from Margaret Clunies Ross (letter or email) and will also have had contact with their Coordinating Editor (see below). All Contributing Editors will receive a copy of this Manual, which is also available on the project web site, where there is also a list of contributors to the project, with full contact details and assigned poetry. The work of all Contributing Editors will be fully acknowledged in the published edition.

In order to facilitate the task of dividing the skaldic corpus into manageable portions, we have set up eight source categories and assigned one of the General Editors (or two of them in the case of Category A) the task of acting as Coordinator of each category. The General Editors will themselves be taking on specific editing tasks. All Contributing Editors working on poetry within a particular category will be responsible to one of the five Coordinators and will work closely with that person. The following are the categories and divisions of responsibility:

A. Kings’ Sagas (9th-13th centuries) - Coordinators: Diana Whaley (A1) and Kari Gade (A2)

B. ‘Poetological’ Works - Coordinator: Edith Marold. Note that the verses/poems predominantly in kings’ sagas are to be treated as Category A texts.

C. Historical Works on Iceland (9th-13th centuries) - Coordinator: Guñrún Nordal.

D. Sagas of Icelanders - Coordinator: Guñrún Nordal.

E. Miscellany - Coordinator: Margaret Clunies Ross.

F. Complete poems not preserved in a prose context - Coordinator: Margaret Clunies Ross

G. Runic poems - Coordinator and editor: Edith Marold

H. Poetry in fornaldarsögur – Coordinator Margaret Clunies Ross



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