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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 1. Introduction to the project B. The General Editors and Project Consultants

B. The General Editors and Project Consultants

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The overall project is under the direction of an international group of five editors, comprising Professor Margaret Clunies Ross (University of Sydney, Australia), Professor Kari Gade (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA), Dr. Guðrún Nordal (University of Iceland), Professor Edith Marold (University of Kiel, Germany) and Dr. Diana Whaley (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom). We have the patronage and assistance of five consultants, who give advice on various editorial matters and offer support in accessing the manuscripts that are necessary to the project, many of which are in one or other of the two Arnamagnæan Institutes of Icelandic Studies, the one in Reykjavík, the other in Copenhagen. The five consultants are: Professor Vésteinn Ólason, Director, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi, Reykjavík; Peter Springborg, mag. art., Director, Det Arnamagnæanske Institut, Københavns Universitet, Denmark; Professor Roberta Frank, Yale University; Professor Kevin Kiernan, University of Kentucky, Lexington and Dr. Peter Robinson, De Montfort University, United Kingdom. The last two scholars are advisors on the electronic dimension of the edition.

The General Editors intend to meet once a year during the life of the project to deal with on-going and new problems, to review progress and plan ahead. So far meetings have been held in Trondheim (1997), Kiel (1998), Reykjavík (1999), Sydney (2000), Reykjavík/Reykholt (2001) and York (2002). In both 2001 and 2002 skaldic symposia, to which all editors have been invited, have been held in conjunction with the General Editors’ meetings and we plan to continue this combination of editors’ meetings and symposia, as the two that have been held so far have been very fruitful. The 2003 meeting/symposium will take place in Kiel on 4-6 August, straight after the 12th International Saga Conference in Bonn (28 July – 3 August 2003). There will also be at least one workshop devoted to skaldic poetry at the Bonn conference, as well as a general presentation on the skaldic project, as there was at the 11th International Saga Conference in Sydney in July 2000. In addition, a successful skaldic session took place in March 2002 at the Medieval Academy of America meeting in New York, organised by Martin Chase.



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